Policy on Investments

1)Aims & Objectives

This Investment Policy (hereafter referred to as the “Policy”) has been designed to ensure that the investment assets of the Institution (“The School”) are invested in a manner consistent with the provisions of section 11(5) and Rule 17C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and to assure all the stake holders including grantors, donors and potential donors that their funds will be managed prudently to support the financial viability of the school’s programs. This Policy has also been developed to identify the responsibilities of the Board’s Finance Committee and of related office bearers.

2)Governance, Roles And Responsibilities-

  1. Finance Committee -.
  2. Investment Committee –

3)Policy & Procedures

  1. Investment Standards
  2. Overall Investment Policy
  3. Asset Allocation
  4. Rebalancing
Asset Class Objectives Asset Class Characteristics
Mutual Funds

These assets are liquid and are ownership claim on the growing economic opportunities provided by the public/private corporate.

Accordingly, these are included in the portfolio for capital appreciation. Historically this asset class has always outperformed fixed income over long period of time.

Differentially debt mutual funds are expected to generate higher than bank deposit returns factoring in the predominance of corporate deposits in their portfolio.

Bank Deposits

Considered as risk free and highly liquid asset class. However, in the falling interest rate regime, the returns generally fail to beat the corresponding inflation.

Government Securities (Gilts)

This asset class is the interest rate sensitive portion of portfolio which also provides fixed income and hence stability for overall performance. That’s why it is generally opted as a diversified option to equity and other investments. The core strength of this asset remains of certain hedge against deflation.


Similar to Gilts since the issuers are Public Corporations. Not very active in secondary markets, these instruments carry a medium-term maturity profile normally from 5-8 years.

4)Evaluation & Reporting

  1. Benchmarks -.
  2. Investment Committee Meetings -
  3. Investment Committee Reports -

5) Appendices & Reference

  1. Appendix A